Learn to Save a life- Free CPR clinic

“Am I doing it right? Am I hurting them?” These thoughts cross people’s minds when faced with an emergency requiring first aid.  Yet in emergency situations, it’s often the most basic life-saving skills, like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), that are the most beneficial.

CPR (also known as basic cardiac life support, or BCLS) is provided to people suffering cardiac arrest until advanced care can be applied to the casualty. It can be given by all levels of trained medical personnel, but most importantly, it can be provided if you’ve received CPR training. You don’t need medical equipment — at minimum, just some know-how and your hands.

Nearly 40,000 Canadians suffer sudden cardiac arrest each year.  Four out of five of these cardiac arrests occur at home or in public places.  For people suffering sudden cardiac arrest time is critical.  After just 4 minutes, significant brain damage can occur and after 12 minutes, the survival rate is only 5%.

On November 10th, 2018, St. John Ambulance and Barrie Rotary Club are equipping people with CPR.  The annual Free CPR Clinic teaches how to do CPR for children and adults, what to do when someone is choking and how to use a defibrillator (AED).  The clinic will be held at Lampman Lane Community Centre, Barrie.  There are two workshops available that day starting at 9:30am to 11:30am as well as 1:00pm to 3:00pm.  Pre-register for this CPR workshop by email BarrieSimcoeMuskoka@on.sja.ca or call (705) 726-0991.